Tuesday, July 31, 2012

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Before he came several times, this is not the white one thousand know for sure. Baiming Song looked at Zhong Hua the hearts of no image, the mouth but said: , all of a sudden forget. Zhong Hua said: Baiming Song Tao: A gold hair see Baiming Song pondering the kind of busy: Zhang Quanzhong overjoyed, all these years, the wine transported from Shaanxi and Gansu are particularly Mianyuan to mellow, degrees high, is suitable for drinking in this cold and wet weather, Sichuan is the largest province of the wine, but slowly Shaanxi and Gansu over liquor accounted for a large share of the caravan to transport wine from Shaanxi and Gansu region in Sichuan from Sichuan tea, salt to take home, this is normal.
The gold A: Are overjoyed to hear the officers and men of heart,nfl wholesale jerseys, in unison: Baiming Song heard the wine in the evening, suddenly when seen Zhong Hua forget what a spotless, then, the gold A Colts almost over, points government troops and said: This time a total of one thousand one hundred thirty-one horses, each horse two clearance fee, pay one thousand one hundred thirty-one taels of silver. Gold A: General Chang, on the back of one hundred horse full of wine, I paid only 600 two good, two hundred altar wine even arrived five hundred thirty-one taels of silver? Zhang Quanzhong delight, the wine came from Shaanxi and Gansu are particularly expensive, a jar of wine less also three hundred forty-two money to five hundred ounces of silver can buy up to one hundred and fifty altar about the gold A is equal to and give his dozens of altar wine, I thought this person is really generous, busy: Gold A hair quickly stopped, said: A caravan of human care of more than ten horses, then already more than half of the pass, Zhong Hua called ahead two to see the people who live winners, those who exit have returned,nike air max 2010 women, Zhang Quanzhong not suspected him, see the caravan of the people all returned, and stopped to be approached to help government troops.
Pass in the caravan of human enough to have one hundred to succeed, in addition to a number of man of the Golden House, Tang Jun, the special forces of the rest are all play, and government troops in addition to the gatekeepers dozens of people, only Zhang Quanzhong and he bodyguard, there are less than fifty people, Yu Guanjun even for some distance from the gate, Zhong Hua, see to see In Heliaoyisheng: the All want to move the wine Tangjun in girth and pulled out a short crossbow wins, wins. the neck by Hua Zhong with a short dagger hobble Baiming Song also feel themselves behind a weapon in the top of

Saturday, July 28, 2012

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But this time, the good old days of the Rebel also coming to an end, Cao Chao on behalf of the emperor expedition, Governor General for the world, thanks to Shang Fang Jian, so set Zhu Lu soldiers stationed in Chu Yu moderate to mid-February, Lu'an The Runing such as government troops recapture early March Cao Chao has volunteers to capture more than half of the county to recover.
In mid-March, Cao Chao General Assembly in Tongling, Zhu Jiang, the junction of the deliberations of the the siege farmers Army in Anhui, Hubei and Hunan and Henan provinces, the Cao Dahir Chen Qi Yu, Deng Qi, especially Diwen in Wuchang, defensive Chang Hsien-chung; Zuo Liangyu control soup Kyushu, Xinyang, Lu'an area, You Shiwei, Yongfu Xu came towards the points in E Chau, Huanggang, Taihu Lake area, Cao Chao, lead a force to the volunteer army was advancing in Anqing, Tongling, 11 tens of thousands of volunteers to government troops step by step eroded, the volunteer army had to shrink and shrink, leaving tens of thousands of elite around Huoshan, Rossi, Macheng area.
Yang Sichang proposed four are six corner with ten net lawlessness to dare to dig the emperor graves Zeijun a clean sweep, the the Chongzhen received the news of a good mood up.
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Formerly known as Zheng Zhi Zheng Yiguan, originally seeking refuge over the Dutch, the Dutch monopoly on trade with Japan, instigated a number of Chinese vessels in the Ming dynasty coastal plunder the Zhengyi Guan is one of the pirates and the Dutch co-operation, and later, Zhengyi Guan feel the Dutch men without development, left the Dutch, seeking refuge with the chief of the pirates Yan Siqi.
Zhengyi Guan in Yansi Qi's death, his own, attracted from Fujian, Zheng Xing, Paul, Yang Geng, Hui Chen, Zheng Cai Department will his men divided into 18 pioneer, became renamed as Other maritime doped Zheng Zhi pirates strike, loss weight,nike air max tl 2.5, had to give up this trade line, Zheng Zhi to buy their own boat to start a two-way trade, but his fleet is still small, not exclusive after-court pacify Zheng Zhi promised to the people no longer robbery, 10000-30000 taels of silver ranging from the protection fees charged according to size to the vessel on the route of each one alone each year, Zheng Zhi income approaching 10,002,000.
But Zheng Zhi Liu Xiang Ming Dynasty pacify original with him through fire a force unwilling pulled Guangdong to continue their plunder to make a living at sea Liu Xiang forces colluded with the Dutch, a period of time not only frequent looting coastal areas of Fujian, Guangdong, Zheng Zhi-like team, posing a great threat
Liu Xiang forces in Guangdong after the rise of the Taiwan Strait turned quiet.

Monday, July 23, 2012

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

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Against the the wind Maming luk is restless on the pier these days Maming luk profound sense do Yangzhou prefect - hard the Yangzhou prefect in the troubled times which it is difficult. Yangzhou where Here is contested. Leaving aside what stream Kouqing Jun. Take the short term. just of Jiangbei four town soldiers and horses to the wave of another wave. is very brutal arrogance. Yangzhou people scared are afraid to open her gates to let him in. So Gao Jie that he sent to attack the city of Yangzhou city militia desperate resistance to keep more than a month until the history of Governor General came to persuade Gao Jie relinquish but he was still outside the city of Yangzhou village plundered Pro some willing to walk, but more than the the luk own to Maming clear around the history of Governor General of hard to think Ming Ma Wai-luk quietly glanced Shi Kefa. He found that Shi Kefa's face is not how good it is no wonder finally get Gao Jie and Huang have power. court also sent the women taking part of a surname Sun, I heard that still play Great Yangzhou this show is Yue Changyue wonderful,baby nfl jersey! Maming luk secretly think in their hearts.
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Monday, July 16, 2012

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

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I do not have to answer to her, looked at her, said dismissively: greatly affected because of your work to make our good mood, I feel very bad, my friend is the same, so we will still consider a complaint to your superiors. sincere to apologize to you, and the mall will send you a discount for each purchase of Gold and a small gift as compensation, you can accept. ton of bricks, you want to know if she was under the jurisdiction of a problem,Minnesota Twins Jerseys, guest complaints to the high-level, then, a salesperson must be dismissed, and she will not be better to go there, at least have to downgrade, so she thought, the proposed remedies, my advice with a reluctant smile.
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